Mantra how-to guide
How to start with Mantra
A few steps to learn easily and build your first Mantra project
At the time of writing this, Mantra is production ready, this is, is mature enough tu support production and complex projects.
Despite being working at this project since some years ago, developing some projects with this software perspective of this core framework, I recognize that start with it is easy.
Here are a few recomendations so that you can build your first Mantra project easily.
Mantra works following some kind of "software design principles". You can read them in Mantra whitepaper. This is necesary to understand why and how Mantra expects you to organized big or complex applications.
Data persistance is extremely important in most of software applications. Mantra uses RedEntities (another project from Mantra) to perform CRUD operations. Read this brief introduction to RedEntities.
Mantra applications code are splitted in Mantra components, and they should be small and very reusable. Read about how to write Mantra components.
Run your first Mantra project with:
$ mantrad new-project
, and have a look to the code generated.
Finally, the best way to learn about Mantra projects is to download demo projects.