Mantra blog

Mantra blog

Improvements of some high performance core functionalities with Rust

WebAssembly plus Rust are the better friends for high performance applications based on Mantra


As any other software project, Mantra is evolving and being improved continuosly, with new features and above all, with minor and major performance improvements....

Mantra and webassembly components

Mantra has been designed for high performance applications. Adding webassembly technology to Mantra components is the next step


Rust + WebAssembly technology is being adopted increasingly in web applications, specially for those that have high performance requirements, like games, IoT...

Picserver: new Mantra base project

Picserver is a high performance image server with transformations of the pictures on the fly indicated in the url requested


Mantra base or seed projects are intended to show how Mantra application are developed following Mantra principles and best practices, and to server as project starting point for your specific requirements....

Mantra development stack

Some recommendations when working with Mantra


Usually, in software development we use the word stack, referring to a number of technologies that we use togheter in our projects....

iTransfer: New seed Mantra project added

Seeds projects are Mantra project you can use freely as they are or use them as starting points for your own projects


We are happy to announce this week the publicaction of first Mantra seed project.

The best way to share Mantra development culture, is to publish components and projects developed by this technology....

Mantra roadmap

Just after production ready release, we tell you the roadmap for Mantra for the coming months and years


Mantra project started since three years ago at the time of writing this.

This is a long time and lots of hours of coding and effort (and of experience, I dare to say)....

New release: 1.2.3

Some minor fixes and new improvements added


Mantra is a framework designed so that you can use it today, new month and during next years despite new improvements are added continuosly....

Mantra is a culture of software development

Why Mantra development principles build big and complex applications with minimal technical debt


This is a happy week for Mantra team, cause finally, after working hard to launch a version to run Mantra applications in production, this release is already published (currently, 1.2.2)....