Mantra how-to guides

Mantra how-to guides

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Include different html frontends within the same project

A Mantra project may consist of a number different applications. If some of them have UI, differents html templates can be used

Add helmet package to a Mantra project

You can use in a Mantra project popular Node.js and Express security packages. In this how to guide, we tell you how to integrate them.

How to move a component to other location

When your project gets bigger, usually you need to organize better your components. You can move them to other locations but Mantra should know about it.

How to use Mantra Instance ID to avoid browser cache

Some times, browsers cache web application assets for higher performance, but this is a problem when the files changes from one update to another. In this article, we show solve this easily.

Use Nginx as reverse proxy for your Mantra project

A Node.js web application usually opens a port number > 1024. You need to redirect 80 (http) or 443 (ssl) to it in the deployment

How to extend MantraAPI object in client

Mantra defines a client object that can be extended in with methods and properties in each request

Using official Mantra components in your projects

Mantra official components is a repository with an incresing number of components you can install to reuse common Mantra (or any project) functionality

Understanding access conditions and prerequests

Mantra access conditions and prerequests are useful 'hooks' to reduce coding size of your views, posts, gets and blocks handlres

How to instantiate Mantra API object

In some cases, is needed to instantiate a new Mantra API object

Understanding Mantra core middlewares

Core middlewares are neede in all Mantra projects. Undestanding them will allow you to set your owns correctly

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