What's is a base or seed project?
What's is a base or seed project?
Apart from improving continuously Mantra framework, we use it in our own projects and we develop many others to be shared in Mantra site.
One of the main features of Mantra consists of developing components to be resued between projects. Moreover, we upload full projects you can use it as they are or as starting point for your own developments.
Mantra projects are currently for free, but we work so that in the coming months, professional Mantra developers can upload their own projects to offer them for free or to sell them in a markeplace.
Some advantages of using Mantra projects uploaded to Mantra site repository:
They use a number of official Mantra components, well tested and well known between Mantra developers.
These projects are secured and well design, following main Mantra development principles.
They intend to solve many of common software functionality in many projects, so they are good candidates that you or your organization can use as starting projects for your own developments.
Want to upload your own Mantra projects?