Mantra official documentation

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Component Command Line Interface (cli) Definition

Usually, command line interface commands are useful for administration tasks in any application.

Any Mantra component can define its own commands with the hook Command:

Mantra.Hooks( "<component name>" )
        Name: "<name of the command>",
        Description: "Description for the command",
        Handler: <command function handler>

As an example, consider this command registration:

const SearchCommandHandlers = require("./searchcommandhandlers.js");

Mantra.Hooks( "search" )
        Name: "remove-search-indexes",
        Description: "Remove all search indexes",
        Handler: SearchCommandHandlers.RemoveIndexes

With this, you can run the command from the bash just with:

$ mantrad remove-search-indexes

Also, you can indicate in the command line the local or absolute path to the project:

$ mantrad ./myproject/remove-search-indexes

By default, you can see all commands defined in the project (apart from core commands) with:

$ mantrad

Function handler for the command

The function handler for the command is like this:

async (Mantra, param1, param2, param3, param4 ) => {


All parameters are optional.

Command parameters

Optionally, you can set any number of parameters when running the command that Mantra will send to the function command handler as parameters:

$ mantrad books-show-book 9iIdss2a2

When running this, the parameter "9iIdss2a2" will be set as parameter of the function handler:

async (Mantra, bookId) => { 
    // ... 

Implicit method to define a command

You can also define new commands without registering the hook.

You do so indicating the commands in a file named as "commands.yourcomponentname.js" inside "/controllers" folder of your component.

In that module, Mantra expects to find these properties to define new commands:

  • <command name>_description: description for the command
  • <command_name>: async method handler for the command that receives the parameters if needed.

As for example, consider the module /mycomponent/controllers/commands.mycomponent.js:

module.exports = {
    mk_description: "test for marketplace",
    mk: async (Mantra, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 ) => {

Giving this command, you can run it with:

$ mantrad mk p01 p02 p03 p04

List commands defined by a component

You can get the list of commands defined by a component with show-commands Mantra command:

$ mantrad show-commands <component name>

This is useful to verify that you have defined your commands well.

To learn by example, go to Mantra demos and components sections of Mantra site.